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Good afternoon, dear customers. At this difficult time, the term of technical support was extended until the end of the war in Ukraine. Services are provided remotely if possible. After the end of the war, it will be necessary to conclude new agreements and acts to extend the term of technical support. Take care of yourself and your loved ones. Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!


Любі громадяни! Зараз необхідні усі зусилля для перемоги над ворогом. Допомагайте, будь-ласка, нашим ЗСУ будь-яким доступних способом: їжею, одягом, обмундируванням, фінансами, фізично, інформаційно тощо. Слідкуйте за офіційною сторінкою ЗСУ, не панікуйте, ми всі разом обов’язково переможемо.

Congratulations on the New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish to celebrate these traditionally bright holidays in a joyful, friendly, warm atmosphere. May prosperity and harmony reign in your homes, so that the spirit of the New Year will bring you the feeling of a fairy tale, and Christmas will give you faith in miracles! We wish goodness, sincerity and mercy around you, love and happiness to your family! Justice and freedom, native Ukraine! Good luck, new achievements and fulfillment of the most cherished dreams!

Dear defenders, their relatives, as well as veterans and participants in hostilities! Today, the defenders of our Ukraine celebrate such a wonderful holiday. On the occasion of the holiday, congratulations to all who have the high title of defender of Ukraine! We send our heartfelt congratulations to veterans, participants of the war, servicemen, reserve soldiers, parents and mothers of soldiers and wish you and your families good health, kindness, happiness and harmony. Accept on this holiday of courage and patriotism the best wishes – inspiration for future great achievements.

Congratulations on the national holiday – Independence Day of Ukraine! Since independence was proclaimed, our country has gone through several stages of spiritual renewal, recreating the patriotism, traditions and spirituality of our people. This date embodied the long-standing desire of our people for freedom and self-determination. Independence has become a new starting point in the life of every Ukrainian. And that is why we want everyone, first of all, to start with their own independence, independence from other people’s opinion, independence from all troubles. May the source of your faith, hope and love for your homeland, energy and self-confidence not be exhausted. We wish you good health, successful implementation of far-reaching plans, prosperity, peace

Attention customers Diploma Supplement European model. From today, the process of ordering and preparing appendices to the European diploma, which meet the requirements of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science №102 from 25.01.2021, will take place in a test mode. Ordering supplements to the European diploma is possible through the AS «Dekanat», or web resource «Register of educational institutions of Ukraine». To join and receive detailed information, please contact your operators and / or write an e-mail

Congratulations on March 8 – International Women’s Day! The beginning of spring, the beginning of life in nature, the first heat. Dear women, let this warmth settle in your homes and souls. Let the beauty of nature inspire, and spring symbolizes the beginning of something very desirable and beautiful in your life! We sincerely wish you good health, unfading youth and a lot of mutual happiness! Let the wonderful feelings warm your hearts, and you will always remain as unique as you are now. We wholeheartedly join in all the congratulations you have already received, and once again we wish the fulfillment of all your wishes. May prosperity become your constant companion, the way

In 2019-2020, the leadership of the Kyiv City Council (Kyiv City State Administration), in order to fulfill their own orders to ensure the functioning of the automated fare collection system for metro Kyiv (ASOP for metro Kyiv), it was suggested that the rectors of higher educational institutions of the capital transfer their students to use student / student cards of the state sample with a contactless chip, integrated with the ASOP function of m. Kyiv. To implement the project, between the Information and Technical Administrator of the IVS “Education” and the operator of the ASOP m. Kyiv KP “Main Information Production Center” (KP “GIVTs”), to ensure the necessary functionality of the ticket and ASOP

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! We wish the New Year to bring not only happiness, but also confidence in the future, so that every morning begins with a feeling of joy and satisfaction! May you be filled with thirst for new accomplishments, energy and sincere joy of life, which in itself is a priceless gift. Let the sparkling mood accompany you all year round, so that wonderful people and good friends are always near, and life is filled with love, kindness, light! We wish that all plans come true, and the peaks are overcome with ease! Happy New Year!