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In connection with the entry into force of the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No. 1109 dated 16.10.2018, in accordance with the requirements of this Order and in order to timely produce documents on general secondary education in 2019 and subsequent years, in the near future to the software products of PJSC “Research Institute of PIT” the necessary changes will be made. The time of release of new versions of the program will be reported further, follow the news.

We sincerely congratulate you on New Year and Merry Christmas! Let your hearts be warmed up with love and warmth; homes are filled with good, joy and well-being, and eyes glow happiness. Let the last moments of the Old Year leave you worries and troubles, and new – 2019 will be generous with interesting plans, new achievements and professional victories. We want the Christmas Starlight to burn in your hearts the fire of faith and love, hope and optimism, inspiration and inexhaustible energy! We wish you good health, success, family happiness, prosperity and well-being! We wish you good mood and love, let your harmony and good luck prevail!

Dear defenders of Ukraine! Congratulations on the Day of Defender of Ukraine! This is a real celebration of courage and dedication, a celebration of chivalry and nobility, which are possessed by real defenders, liberators and defenders of Ukraine, at the same time became the personified holiday of all men. This holiday is everyone who at one time or another gave his knowledge, strength, courage and professionalism in the defense of our state. You proved that you are worthy descendants of the Ukrainian Cossacks. We sincerely wish you good health, unbreakable spirit and a peaceful sky! On the occasion of the holiday, we congratulate all those who bear the high title of defender of Ukraine!

Dear, dear teachers! This kind and joyful day – the day of the teacher is special, because it is you who, for many years, have been present almost daily in the life of every student. Know that all-all children and parents really love and respect you! Each lesson you teach is a small life, always interesting and informative, which takes place in one breath. All the life each student will remember those of you who managed to open for them the magic world of science! We sincerely congratulate you on Teacher’s Day! May your love for life, for your work, for the whole world be without limits, may your students be obedient and capable

To the attention of institutions of general secondary education in the city of Kiev! Users of the AS “School” can continue to form a compulsory state primary reporting on the forms ZNZ-1, 83-RVK and 77-RVK in this system. To renew the software of the AS “School” with the new forms of the report, it is necessary to conclude a contract of annual technical support of the system. Details by phone 044 373-69-67 or on the site Advantages of the AS “School”: – Your own school database with 24/7 access. – Automated system for filling sections of statistical reports by data (based on information in questionnaires of students and school staff). – Convenient check

Dear citizens! Sincerely congratulate you on the Independence Day of Ukraine! Our country, our people, celebrates already on this anniversary, since the original Ukrainian dream has come true – to be the masters on its beautiful and charming land. Many generations of Ukrainians have sought to live freely, to practice their traditions and customs without experiencing perversions and harassment, and this holiday is a sign that everything has come to pass. This landmark day of democracy and public accord of our people became a turning point in the history of the development of the Ukrainian state and a powerful stimulus for fruitful, inspired work for the sake of peace and prosperity in our common

Dear users. We bring to your notice that starting from May 10, 2018 ACSK CJSC “Research Institute of Applied Information Technologies” has ceased its activity, therefore, it will be impossible to sign the orders for manufacturing student cards with EDS cards of this center. According to numerous inquiries we inform you that the process of ordering student tickets does not change, and for further signature of packages, use any EDS from the following: – Accredited certification center ISD DFS keys Accredited ISD key certification center Mindohod, an accredited center for the certification of ISDN keys – ACCA of justice bodies of Ukraine ACSK Gosinformusta – CSK Ukrzaliznytsya – ACC «MASTERKEY» LLC “ART-MASTER”, CSK “MASTERKEY”,

Lovely and charming women! Congratulations on the upcoming spring holiday – March 8. We wish you with all your heart strong health, unfading youth and a lot of mutual love! Let the wonderful feelings warm your hearts, and you remain always as unique as you are now. We also want to wish respect and understanding from colleagues, admiration of others, love and warmth from our hearts, pleasure and pleasure from life, pleasant surprises and good gifts from destiny. We wish the present female happiness and unfading remarkable beauty. We wholeheartedly join in all the congratulations that you have already received from relatives and friends, and once again we wish the fulfillment of all your

Dear citizens! We congratulate you on the Independence Day of Ukraine! This outstanding date has forever entered the history of the young state as the golden page of her biography, marked the beginning of a new era in the life of the people of Ukraine, legally enshrined his age-old democratic aspirations for national revival, spiritual freedom, economic growth, and cultural uplift. On this holiday, we wish you good health, happiness, family well-being, peace of mind and confidence in the future. We wish that your important work for the good of the Motherland and the Ukrainian people will always be fruitful and inspiring and will give you only joy and pleasure. With a great holiday

Dear compatriots! In 1996, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, expressing the sovereign will of citizens of our state and relying on the centuries-old history of the Ukrainian state on world experience, adopted the Basic Law of Ukraine – the Constitution, which became a real and effective basis for building an independent democratic state as a full-fledged participant in the world community. We congratulate you on the outstanding state holiday – the Day of the Constitution of Ukraine. The adoption of the Basic Law marked the fundamental consolidation of our independence, forever imprinted the will of the Ukrainian people to live in their own sovereign, conciliar state. The Constitution emphasizes the absolute value of man,