Certificate about full sеcondary education (for graduates with the silver medal) – document on the establishment of the sample, confirming the complete general education.

Certificate of complete Secondary Education (for graduates who were awarded a silver medal) outstanding students (pupils) who have completed high school 11th (12th) class or an appropriate course at a vocational or higher education I-II levels of accreditation and awarded the silver medal «For achievements in school».
Procedure of rewarding students for excellent academic achievements set by the Ministry of Education on Science.
Certificate of complete Secondary Education (for graduates who were awarded a silver medal) gives the right to enroll in vocational and higher educational institutions of all types and forms of ownership.

Law of Ukraine about education № 651 – XIV of 18.05.1999
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 778 of 27.08.2010
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 819 from 05.09.2012
