Registration form
Formation of orders for the diploma application for higher education according to the same principles as for the manufacture of diplomas.
To ensure the formation of an electronic order is necessary to prepare handbooks education and qualifications with a detailed description of training programs that will be included in data collection program.
Handbooks for the formation of qualifications you need to collect information contains elements of curricula, assessment methodologies and description of student skills acquired.
To get started, we suggest you fill in the template that was allready prepared in a text editor Word: «Registration Form». Template is protected by password and has editable and non-editable fields. Under marked not editable fields fill please the qualifications according to Example.
Download the file and change its name so that it contained information on the name and qualifications of the year of release, for example – bioresursy2010.docx A single file can contain information only about one qualification. Subsequent qualification for the primary file copy from the site under a new name.
The completed form must be uploaded to a dedicated website of the State Register of educational institutions using «Import data from MS Word», which is available on the website.
Word files were created to accelerate the entry of data and the convenience of users are not familiar with complex computer programs. You can distribute a template file for the department , it will speed up the process of gathering information on the qualifications.
In the future on the site State Register of higher education institutions, You need to edit the imported data, and make new ones. Also on this site you can download guides formed for data collection programs Education, for this, use the «Export Data».
Before authorization is mandatory installation of service WebCardSVC for working with the card for a website
– Required! Remove the old service through the «Start»-«All Programs»-«NDI PIT»-«WebSMC» and click Uninstall.
– Download WebCardSVC.exe and install it on the computer from which you will be working in the State Registry of higher education institutions.
– After installation, run browser and visit the website of the State Register of higher education institutions.
Access card and password to the site – this blue card access to the program Education and pin-code. During the first login to the site the user data read from the card – so the operator is registered and has the opportunity to work on the website register of higher education institutions.
It should be noted that the reference qualifications will be available only to the user information (the institution, or a node that has registered the data), that is, your information will not be able to take advantage of other educational institutions.