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Dear defenders of Ukraine! Congratulations on a wonderful holiday – the Day of the Defender of Ukraine. This day embodies courage, strength, honor and duty! You have proved that you are worthy descendants of the Ukrainian Cossacks. We sincerely wish you good health, indomitable spirit and a peaceful sky! It is a holiday of succession of heroic traditions of our people, strength of spirit and courage, devotion to the Fatherland and pride for its military glory. So, we wish all of us Cossack deeds, victory and deep spirituality. Let the desire to defend their will and independence continue to be an indispensable feature of Ukrainians. Happy Defender of Ukraine Day!

Congratulations to all from September 1! May this year be much brighter, steeper and more successful than last, and may many discoveries, accomplishments and brilliant victories lie ahead. The day of September 1 is always especially solemn and exciting, because it is from it that the unknown, interesting and at the same time difficult path to knowledge, to new achievements, to independent living begins. We wish all of you on this path to conquer new heights of knowledge, meet good and reliable friends and achieve your dream goal. May your abilities and perseverance become the key to outstanding success in adult life. Remember the school years as an invaluable gift of destiny, a timeless

We sincerely congratulate you on the significant holiday – Independence Day of Ukraine! With each year of building and development of the state, each person deepens awareness of this event – August 24 – and its significance for the whole country, for each of its citizens. May this holiday give you inspiration and creative achievements in the name of prosperity of our independent Motherland. We wish you success and fruitful work for the benefit of the Ukrainian people. We sincerely wish you and your family good health, happiness and prosperity!

In connection with quarantine since 03/12/2020 on 04/03/2020 in Ukraine, and in order to prevent the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19), the reception of operational information about production issues is established by calling: (044) 246-28-12 / (044) 246-28-13, or by email Customers can visit the Institute from 11:00 to 16:00 by prior arrangement.

Congratulations on International Women’s Day! Let spring bloom not only on the street, but also in the soul, and beauty pleases all others. Happiness to you, prosperity and harmony. We want all your days to be sunny, bright and unforgettable so that the home is always cozy and warm. May everything be as you wish in your life! We sincerely wish this day the warmth of the first rays of the sun, many joyful surprises and unique compliments that color your life with bright colors. Let all hopes be fulfilled, failures will be forgotten and the ways to new possibilities will be opened!

Receive heartfelt congratulations on Happy New Year and Merry Christmas! May the beautiful winter holidays bring you peace, tranquility and harmony, confidence in the future. We wish you good health, success, family happiness, prosperity and well-being! We wish the spirit of the New Year to bring you a fairy tale feel and Christmas to believe in miracles! We wish you good mood and love, let harmony and good luck reign in your life! So, we wholeheartedly congratulate you on this bright holiday! May peace, love, and understanding reign in the house, and let any sorrows bypass it!

Dear defenders of Ukraine! Congratulations on your outstanding holiday, Defender of Ukraine Day, and Cossacks Day! This is a real holiday of courage and selflessness, a holiday of chivalry and nobility, which are possessed by real defenders, liberators and defenders of Ukraine, at the same time became the personified holiday of all men. This holiday is for everyone who at one time or another gave his knowledge, strength, courage and professionalism to the defense of our united and unconquered country. On the occasion of the holiday, we congratulate everyone who bears the high title of defender of Ukraine! We send heartfelt congratulations to veterans, war veterans, military personnel, reserve soldiers, parents and mothers of

Congratulations on your outstanding holiday – Independence Day of Ukraine! Ever since the times of Kievan Rus, Ukrainians sought to live freely, to practice their traditions and customs, without experiencing deprivation and oppression. Therefore, this outstanding date forever entered the history of the young state as the golden page of its biography, laid the foundation for a new era in the life of our people, and legally consolidated its centuries-old democratic aspirations for national revival, spiritual freedom, economic growth, and cultural growth. Therefore, we wish you and your family good health, happiness, kindness, prosperity, peace, a generous fate, success in all your affairs and undertakings for the sake of the prosperity of independent Ukraine,

On the International Day of the Memory of Chernobyl, we bring all the heroes of the elimination of the consequences of infinite gratitude and respect. Thanks to the liquidators for their courage, heroism and dedication in those extreme circumstances. Due to the liquidators of the Chornobyl catastrophe, they worked in the 30-kilometer radiological area in spite of the threat to life and health, in order to eliminate the consequences of the Chernobyl tragedy as soon as possible, to limit the trouble and to protect other people. We bow our heads to your loyalty and courage. The courage and sacrifice with which you have saved the world is inspired by the future generation and is

Dear women! We warmly congratulate you on the day of all women – March 8! We sincerely wish you happiness, health, success in life, a lot of love and let you always have a spring mood. Accept our warm congratulations on the occasion of a wonderful spring holiday! Your energy, responsibility, active life position bring to the world of harmony, goodness and love. We wish you always be happy, healthy, surrounded by tenderness and care. Let you always have confidence in tomorrow! Dear ladies, be happy and open to new, beautiful horizons! Happy Holidays!