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Dear leaders of higher education institutions! In addition to the previous proposal for production of documents on higher education state-sample Scientific Research Institute of Applied Information Technology offers universities to enter into direct contracts for the manufacture of: – individual documents on higher education institutions of higher education for non-accredited educational programs along the lines defined by the academic council of the university; – collaborative diplomas per sample, that defined by the general solution of the scientific councils of higher education institutions in the case of obtaining of higher education by person of higher education with the agreed between higher education institutions, including foreign, educational programs; – double diplomas per sample defined by the

Dear leaders of higher education institutions! Private Joint Stock Company «Scientific Research Institute of Applied Information Technology» expresses its deep respect and as a long-term manufacturer of educational documents of the state sample, offers its services and further cooperation in the manufacture and personalization documents on higher education of state standard for university graduates. According to the explanations posted on the official website of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Enterprise «InfoResurs» have no legal grounds to take action related to the centralized production of documents on higher education (academic degree). Therefore, for the early production of documents on higher education of the state

Dear heads of higher education institutions! In April 6, 2015 the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in its explanation for the production of documents on education, relying on the article 7 of the Law of Ukraine «On Higher Education», affirmed the right of higher education institutions to engage in self-ordering of higher education (academic degree). Scientific Research Institute of Applied Information Technology with 15 years of experience in data processing and rapid manufacturing of documents on education, advanced a strong industrial base and proven technology, offers services in manufacturing associate’s degree, bachelor’s Jr., bachelor, specialist, master’s application to Diploma of the European sample, diplomas PhD and doctorate. Scientific Research Institute of Applied

Inform that from March 31, 2015 expires an agreement between SE «InfoResurs» and PJSC «SRI AIT» on the production of education documents of state sample that produced on basis of photo computer technology. On the current moment, SE «InfoResurs» does not start to procurement procedures of education documents. Additionally inform that in the sphere of education documents production formed a number of legal conflicts that require clarification from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the State Enterprise «InfoResurs». Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the State Enterprise «InfoResurs” hasn’t yet provided an explanation or information about these conflicts in law. Although, we inform that from April 1, 2015 receiving

Dear Partners! In accordance with the Law of Ukraine 31.07.14 № 1621-VII «On Amendments to the Tax Code of Ukraine and some other legislative acts of Ukraine», effective from 01.01.15, is required to provide purchaser of tax invoices in an electronic form and payments adjustments to the tax bill, as well as registration with the Unified Register of tax bills. In this regard, we inform that PJSC «Research Institute for Applied Information Technology» using the program «Art Report Plus» for registration in a single register of tax invoices and exchange of documents in electronic form. Our email address to send tax bills: Ask you to provide information on the software that used in

Pursuant to the decision of the meeting, chaired by the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Sych A.M. for strengthening public order in places where the pupils situated, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was published letter dated 04.09.2014 year № 1 /-444 «On safety of pupils and students», which identifies recommendations that should be taken to protect the institution and its students. According to the letter of MES of Ukraine, an important step to protect the school and its pupils – is to strengthen control over the school and also no admission of unauthorized persons. Today, it is due to the high probability of committing any unlawful acts, even acts of terrorism.

From August 29, 2014 has begun accepting of orders for creating (manufacturing) Appendices to diplomas of higher education of the European standard (DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT). Ordering procedure, issuance and registration of the Diploma of Higher Education of European sample (DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT) is approved by order of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 29.04.2010 № 365 (registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 19, 2010 № 336/17631). All necessary information by ordering of the document, you can find on the page – Appendix to higher education diploma of european standard (DIPLOMA SUPPLEMENT)

From September 1, 2014, each institution will be able to download the free software AS «School – statistical reports» for the automated preparation and delivery of the annual obligatory public primary reporting ZNZ-1, 77-RVK and 83-RVK (order of MES of Ukraine №766 from 02.07.2012 year). Main features of the system: – Editing of the required fields; – Automatic calculation of the required numbers; – Blocking from filling in special fields; – Check correctness of the data in the fields; – Automated assistance in completing the fields (context-sensitive help); – School passport (data for the report header and the parameters of the school that are automatically filled according to the State Register of the IPS

Dear compatriots! We sincerely congratulate you with the Day of Knowledge! In this special day, we wish you happiness, health, and peace in your homes. The day of knowledge – a celebration of books, flowers, friends, smiles and sunshine! Learn hard, because it is the most important thing today! This day is exceptionally-solemn and exciting, because from this day starts a new unknown, interesting and at the same time is not an easy way to knowledge, to the new challenges, and to the independent living. We wish all pupils, students on this way to conquer new heights of knowledge,meet good and reliable friends and to reach cherished goal. We hope that in Ukraine as

In a personal cabinet of each node opened a new section «Agreements on ordering of documents», which aims to create contracts to orders for electronic student and pupillary cards. How to work in section «Agreements on ordering of documents» can be found on page For work on the site «Registry of educational institutions» you must remove the old service for work with the card and set a new WebCardSVC which can be found in section «Other files».