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Dear Citizens of our common Great Glorious Ukraine! Accept sincere congratulations on the upcoming New Year and Christmas! Last year seemed extremely difficult, but despite everything, we all survived together! During this year, they did not lose faith and courage, but instead became indomitable and invincible. For every citizen of Ukraine, the most important values have become a peaceful sky above the head, independence and freedom of the people, which each of us chooses every day. Let the new year 2023 be victorious in all senses: for our Ukraine – over the enemy, for all people – over the suffering that the occupiers brought to our land. We wish that the new year will

Dear customers. In the period from 01.02.2023 to 6.01.2023 the production department will not work. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Dear soldiers, servants of the Motherland, we congratulate you on your professional holiday. On the Day of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, from the bottom of our hearts, we wish you good health, indomitable fortune and strength, brave ideas and good hopes, sure plans and obligatory luck, unquenchable optimism and excellent performance of all assigned tasks. Defenders and Defenders, you are the best. Glory to the Armed Forces of Ukraine! Glory to Ukraine!

Dear defenders, their relatives, as well as veterans and participants in hostilities! The Ukrainian nation greatly appreciates your mighty strength, strong defense and incredible endurance. We wish that fortune always accompanies you on the road, that love and abundance reign in your families, that warmth and coziness warm your soul. May all roads lead to happiness and new victories, any endeavors give an excellent result and effort. Let any peak obey your courage and perseverance. We are sure that thanks to Heroes and Heroines like you, only Victory awaits Glorious Ukraine. Happy Defender of Ukraine Day! Glory to Ukraine! Glory to heroes!

The old numbers will be available for a while, but then they will be disabled. We provide a number matching table.   Old number New number Reception of the director +38 (044) 249-93-31 +38 (044) 290-41-24 General line +38 (044) 246-27-92 +38 (044) 290-42-24 Department of information collection +38 (044) 246-28-12 +38 (044) 290-41-99 Department of information collection +38 (044) 246-28-13 +38 (044) 290-41-73 Department for maintaining the register of educational institutions +38 (044) 249-93-29 +38 (044) 290-41-28 Department for ordering student tickets +38 (044) 246-99-70 +38 (044) 290-40-68 Department of implementation +38 (044) 373-69-67 +38 (044) 373-69-67

Dear citizens! Accept congratulations on the occasion of the Day of the Independence of Ukraine! Since long ago, when independence was proclaimed, our country has passed a large number of historical tests, spiritual renewals, reproducing the patriotism, traditions and spirituality of our people. This date embodied the long-standing desire of our people for freedom and self-determination. Independence became a new reference point in the life of every Ukrainian. And that is why we wish that everyone, first of all, be safe, that relatives and loved ones are healthy and alive. May the source of your faith, hope and love for your native land, energy and confidence in your own strength not run out. We

Dear customers. Due to technical reasons, the company’s services will operate in a limited mode. We apologize for the temporary inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.

Dear citizens of our indomitable and united Ukraine! Congratulations on the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine! The State Flag of Ukraine is a reflection of the strength and courage of the Ukrainian people. The blue skies above the endless fields of Mother Ukraine are reflected on the courageous canvas of our flag. Let the free wind stir him with waves of freedom and lightness! We wish all Ukrainians victory, peace, happiness, well-being, success in work and in all endeavors for the benefit of the Motherland! We wish all of us to be worthy of the memory of our predecessors, who created the glory and majesty of the State Flag of the country

Dear customers! We would like to inform you that PJSC PIT Research Institute has resumed work in all its divisions. You can now contact our staff by email, namely: – Registry department:; – Data collection department:; – The composition of finished products:; – Technical support service: We pay attention to the cathedral of information on the production of all types of educational documents, student and pupil tickets.

Dear Clients! We would like to inform you that PJSC “NII PIT” is trying to resume the work of all its divisions. Now you can contact our employees by e-mail, namely: – Registry department:; – Data collection department:; – Technical support service: Currently, we are paying maximum attention to the collection of information about the certificate of complete and basic education. Unfortunately, now it is not possible to start production due to a number of circumstances that arose due to the war. We will inform you as soon as the production process is resumed.