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Dear teachers, students, the students! Congratulations on the upcoming Day of Knowledge – a real national holiday of wisdom, kindness and humanity. This particular day is always solemn and exciting, because it begins with a novel, interesting and at the same time difficult path to knowledge, for new challenges, to independent living. We wish all the pupils, students on their way to conquer new heights of knowledge, meet good and reliable friends, and achieve their goals. We believe in your ability, perseverance will be key to outstanding success in adult life, and this will contribute to the high standards of Ukrainian education, equal opportunities in obtaining for each child. Many thanks to all the

Dear citizens of Ukraine! Heartily congratulate all on the national holiday – the Independence Day of Ukraine! This day, which is the result of thousands of years of struggle of the Ukrainian people for the right to have their own state that celebrated as the main holiday of our country. On this solemn day national holiday, sincerely wish you good health and happiness, prosperity and well-being, life luck and success in your high ministry for the glory of Ukraine and its hard-working people. Glory to Ukraine!

Former students of KUML, and now newly minted professionals in Khmelnytsky House of officers received the coveted diploma of international standard. Total documents on graduating from institution of higher education awarded four hundred graduates, 69 of them received diplomas with honors. It noted on the site “Our graduates hold positions in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada, ministries, provincial and district RGA. They working by judges, lawyers, prosecutors, officers serve. Many graduates, managers opened their successful business, headed by enterprises, institutions and organizations. Former students of our university work in the US, China, Spain, Israel,”- said vice-rector for educational work Khmelnitsky University of Management and Law, Leontiy Chernyy. The long-awaited

In the auditorium of the University solemn presentation of diplomas to graduates of Aerospace Institute of NAU. On behalf of the Institute with welcomed words to the alumni appealed Director of the Institute Shmarov V., a.d. Dean of MEF Ladogubets and Dean of FLA Ignatovich S. and on behalf of the academic staff of the Institute – Head of the department issuing the production technology and recovery of aviation equipment Kudrin A., head of the issuing department of the hydro-gas systems Zayonchkovsky G., Head of the graduating department of the theoretical and applied physics Kuznetsov A., Head of the issuing department of conservation airworthiness Dmitriev S. and head of the department of technology graduating airports Tamargazin

As a manufacturer of documents on education state with 15 years of experience Research Institute for Applied Information Technology expresses you the respect and offers cooperation in this area! Description of documents and their cost can be viewed on the page “Documents of higher education in 2015!”. Special offer: lacing an order for production of documents on education in SRI AIT you get AS “Dean” and AS “Campus” for free. Details of promotions you can find out by phone +38 (044) 373-69-67.

Under the flashes of cameras, in robes and academic hats, singing and dancing two hundred graduate students Border Academy received the coveted diploma. Today, June 19, took place the second edition in the history of the academy students civilian professions. Former students, now have newly minted experts, under the walls of his native alma mater to hand their teachers received their diplomas bachelors, masters. Total 201 graduate degrees awarded, 35 of them received diplomas with honors. «This issue of student places the border fell to the bitter and tragic period in the history of independent Ukraine. In the east, a shot rang out, people are dying, threatened the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko visited the National University of Defense of Ukraine, where he congratulated the scientific and pedagogical staff, students and alumni of the University to the early release of the officers, reports UNN, citing the press service of the head of state. The President personally presented diplomas to the graduates-honors Defense University – officers of the Operations and tactical levels of training. The head of state noted that the last twelve months would remember as a year of revival of the Ukrainian army. «We were able in a very short time to restore the fighting ability and contain the onslaught of prepared, equipped with modern equipment and weapons of the enemy.

CHANGES / ADDITIONS TO THE PROGRAM: 1. Added ability to import users applications and profiles with new XML-file format, which is established in YEDEBO. Description of the file format can be found at page «Other instructions». 2. In the graduate questionnaire, the application for production of the diploma of higher education, added the following information: name, series and number of diploma and date of issue. 3. In statements to the diploma of higher education (individual and cumulative information) added: – name, series and number of diploma (output before paragraph. 1); – in p. 6.1 changed the date of entry into an educational institution and date of graduation. To use a new version of the program need to be

Dear leaders of higher education institutions! According to the current legislation of Ukraine resolving issues related to the production of documents on higher education, is exclusive competence of higher educational institution. As a manufacturer of documents on education state with 15 years of experience Research Institute for Applied Information Technology expresses you the respect and offers cooperation in this area! With no changes for you, with observance of all legislation rules in the field of information using a software solution “Education” Institute will provide the highest standard of documentation. Special offer: lacing an order for production of documents on education in SRI AIT you get AS “Dean” and AS “Campus” for free. Review We offer

In order to receive formed contract on production of education documents of state sample you must provide on email address following information: 1) Full name of the educational institution, USREOU code; 2) Types of documents and their amount according to the nomenclature: – Diploma of junior bachelor; – Diploma of junior bachelor with distinction; – Diploma of junior specialist; – Diploma of junior specialist with distinction; – Bachelor’s Diploma; – Bachelor’s Diploma with distinction; – Specialist Diploma; – Specialist Diploma with distinction; – Master’s Diploma; – Master’s Diploma with distinction; – The Diploma Supplement of Higher Education of the European standard. 3) Specify a material of manufacture a diploma. 4) Reverse email address to send the contract. 5)