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The project was developed and implemented by SRI AIT in cooperation with PF Service, a consortium of Card Systems with the active participation of the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the City Council of the Dnieper during the second half of 2016 year. The final version of the project was named “Safe School” and included a single central video processing server located in the Department of Humanitarian Policy of the City Council of the Dnieper and, in fact, schools, equipped with video surveillance systems, access control and student attendance records, local servers, All-Ukrainian system AS “School”. The pilot launch was implemented on the basis of three schools: 140, 20, 28. The first in the

Dear nationals! Congratulate you on the Independence Day of Ukraine! In this holiday was realized the age-old dream of Ukrainians – to be masters of their beautiful and magical land. Almost a thousand years, since the days of Kievan Rus, the Ukrainians wanted to live freely, to practice their traditions and customs, without feeling of hardship and oppression. Despite all the tests Ukrainians are struggling for their freedom and were able to get it. So, dear compatriots! We wish you health, happiness and success in all your endeavors and let the dream of a better life inspires you to new achievements, new good deeds in the name of our native and unique Ukraine, and

This year, the sole leader “Top-200 Ukraine” was the National Technical University of Ukraine “Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, which significant separation from other universities in Ukraine came forward for the criterion “Innovative activity of universities.” In the last year in its innovation ecosystem «Sikorsky Challenge» was established more than 40 startups, 29 of them received investments from venture capital funds and private technology companies totaling 573 million. UAH. The second place in rating took Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. However, team of “Top 200 Ukraine” was unable to retrieve the investment of its start-private venture funds or high-tech companies, but it has the largest budget financing of science – about 85 mln. UAH. Its

Dear customers! We inform that during the period of 1 to 10 January 2016 the Institute will work without clients. We note that production activities of the Institute will operate in normal mode, therefore previously ordered products will be made without delay and within a prescribed period. Thank you for understanding!

Dear compatriots! Sincerely congratulate you with the Day of Ukrainian writing and language! The holiday is a tribute to one of the most valuable achievements that created and left to us by our ancestors. That language is the soul of the nation, its genetic code, because it was born deep cultural heritage, which can be proud of our country. Worldwide, it is knowns that the state language is a universal form of bringing people together in a single whole, into one nation. This is an important factor of national self-determination, a reliable basis for the development of the state. Ukrainian state should guarantee its full support to the national language, do everything possible to

On the website Register of educational institutions of Ukraine realized the ability to create orders for production of documents on education and student/pupils tickets XML-based files exported from YEDEBO. In cabinet of educational institution in section “Order”, you can import XML-files received in YEDEBO, check and sign print application and supporting documents. After signing paper confirmations head once you click one button to send a request to the operator receiving data production system. Built-in checks will help you to create correct entries. All applications will be kept in your cabinet on the site and it will save you from installing software to collect data on your PC, update them and other operations on the database accompaniment. For work you need card

Dear men! We congratulate you on Day of the Defender of Ukraine! In memory of present and future descendants forever remain the exploits of warrior-defenders, their boundless devotion and love for the native land, courage and heroism. October 14 – a holiday of men who protect the peace of our homes, knights who can always substitute their strong shoulder-charming half of humanity. Sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Defender of Ukraine – an event that embodies the courage and heroism of the defenders and liberators of the native land at all stages of its history. We heartily wish you a peace, health and longevity, courage and family well-being, joy and goodness! Congratulations

12 жовтня 2015 року  Міністру освіти і науки України п. Квіту С.М. Шановний Сергію Мироновичу!  9 жовтня 2015 року під час проведення години уряду Ви з трибуни Верховної Ради України дозволили собі висловити відверто викривлену та наклепницьку інформацію стосовно ситуації з виготовленням та видачею студентських (учнівських) квитків державного зразка, тим самим ввівши в оману народних депутатів та громадськість України. Висловлені Вами звинувачення на адресу ПрАТ «Науково-дослідний інститут прикладних інформаційних технологій» (далі Інститут) є безпідставними та такими, які завдають репутаційної шкоди нашій установі і ображають честь і гідність колективу, з наступних причин: Інститут не є монополістом у виготовленні студентських (учнівських) квитків державного зразка, тому що таких виробників, АТЕСТОВАНИХ МІНІСТЕРСТВОМ, на сьогоднішній день існує вісім. Координує

Dear teachers! Congratulate you on the upcoming professional holiday! We express our heartfelt gratitude for the tireless work of great talent and vocation to sow wisdom and knowledge, for love to children and native land. Your heart always filled with compassion, kindness and sweet joy. These wonderful qualities you generously share with children’s. All believe, love and respect you.  You are communicating times, will continue in his disciples. We wish you, dear teachers, sense of completeness and uniqueness of life, health, inexhaustible creative force, inspiration, happiness and long human memory. May there always be generous to the ups educational field, and in all your undertakings will be companion’s success and good luck!

To assess the benefits of e-student card based on international payment cards Visa from Oschadbank can already more than 12 thousand. Students all over Ukraine. Hence, its users are already students of the leading educational institutions such as the Kiev National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman, Ternopil State Medical University named after IY Gorbachev, Cherkasy National University named after Bogdan Khmelnitsky, Donetsk Training Technical University, National University “Ostroh Academy” and others. Electronic student ticket from Oschadbank – multifunction card product based on Visa Electron. It combines the possibility of bank payment cards and personal identification documents. The ticket is a complete payment instrument: students can be calculate with the help of trade and