1. Field «Protocol of enrollment» is required if field «Order of enrollment» in the questionnaire entrant is filled.
2. Fixed bug when location removed from the address of the entrant.
3. Fixed an error when calculating of colored signs of unsatisfactory ratings.
4. Expansion work of the group operation «Undo the last application status»: when status of «Passed» canceled, fields «Training group» and «Order» are cleared.
5. Added editing of attributes «The input type» and «Cause of the examinations pass» when synchronizing with existing applications in EDEBO.
Creation of information and production systems for providing individuals the data about education questions IPS «OSVITA» began in 1996 in pursuance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 704 «On improving the protection of educational documents» on June 29, 1996 Today, it is a complex administrative, legal, software and hardware and hardware that provide the construction of a single integrated information environment of the country in the field of education.