Inform that from March 31, 2015 expires an agreement between SE «InfoResurs» and PJSC «SRI AIT» on the production of education documents of state sample that produced on basis of photo computer technology. On the current moment, SE «InfoResurs» does not start to procurement procedures of education documents.

Additionally inform that in the sphere of education documents production formed a number of legal conflicts that require clarification from the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the State Enterprise «InfoResurs». Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine and the State Enterprise «InfoResurs” hasn’t yet provided an explanation or information about these conflicts in law.

Although, we inform that from April 1, 2015 receiving of orders on manufacturing of education documents of stat sample, as well as directly to the production of documents on the establishment of the sample will be suspended until the decision of the specified legal conflicts or clarification regarding the subsequent manufacture of documents on education by the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

From our side, PJSC «SRI AIT» are ready for further production of documents on education and further cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, State Enterprise «InfoResurs» and educational institutions of all levels of accreditation across the country.

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