Pursuant to the decision of the meeting, chaired by the Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine Sych A.M. for strengthening public order in places where the pupils situated, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine was published letter dated 04.09.2014 year № 1 /-444 «On safety of pupils and students», which identifies recommendations that should be taken to protect the institution and its students.

According to the letter of MES of Ukraine, an important step to protect the school and its pupils – is to strengthen control over the school and also no admission of unauthorized persons. Today, it is due to the high probability of committing any unlawful acts, even acts of terrorism.

In addition to explanatory work with employees of educational institutions, which are responsible for its protection, there is a reliable way to prevent illegal actions – the establishment of a system of monitoring and control of access to the institution. An example of such system – ASIK «School – Safe School».

ASIK «School – Safe School» does not allow a stranger to enter the territory of the institution because for passing through the turnstile can only pedagogical staff or students who have special equipped with chip electronic cards – school student tickets and admission staff. In the system, each card connected to a specific person, and at the time of passage through the turnstile on the screen of the guard immediately appear student or employee data along with the photo.

To inform parents about their child staying in school, the system sends message to the mobile phone, email, and to the office information area «My Osvita».

Important! System is suitable for the introduction of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, and established by all permissions of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine.

Read more on the official website of the system.

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