Certificate about conferring increasing qualification of workеrs. Front side.

Certificate about conferring increasing qualification of workеrs. Front side.

Certificate about conferring increasing qualification of workеrs. Back side.

Certificate about conferring increasing qualification of workеrs. Back side.

Assignment certificate (increase) of working qualification – document on the establishment of the sample.
Person who has mastered the course of vocational training in an educational institution first attestation standard and successfully passed qualification attestation assigned educational qualification “skilled worker” with the corresponding bit of the acquired profession and issued a certificate of assignment (improving) labor skills.
In the event that a full course of study at a vocational school second and third levels of certification is not completed, but the results of the competency assessment was given educational qualification “skilled worker” with the corresponding bit of the acquired profession, a certificate of assignment (increasing) working skills.

Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 1260 from 12.11.1997 «On instruments of education and academic degrees»
Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 979 from 08.09.2001 «On approval of sample documents, Prof. those. education»
