Dear customers.
In the period from 01.02.2023 to 6.01.2023 the production department will not work.
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Creation of information and production systems for providing individuals the data about education questions IPS «OSVITA» began in 1996 in pursuance of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine № 704 «On improving the protection of educational documents» on June 29, 1996 Today, it is a complex administrative, legal, software and hardware and hardware that provide the construction of a single integrated information environment of the country in the field of education.
IPS «OSVITA» allows to create a unified information structure of data, ensuring their authenticity and integrity, reliable protection mechanisms to restrict access to data quality improving working conditions of the system users, which are members of the structural units of the ministries, departments and institutions.
IPS «OSVITA» is fully integrated with sole official electronic database in education YEDEBO. IPS «OSVITA» performs the following tasks:
To date, the information base of system consists of more than 20 million records and includes information about all the educational institutions of Ukraine regardless of their form of ownership, authority and level of accreditation . principle of construction is the progressive registration of each phase of the persons educational level and appropriate document state. In other words, the fact that the person receiving the certificate or high school diploma is recorded in the system in the manufacture of this document and confirms the end face of an educational institution.
When entering college, vocational school, technical school , college or university students (pupils) are issued student (student) tickets state standard to be registered with the system. After graduating and passing the benchmark tests will receive a new graduate educational qualification level and appropriate education certificate that confirms this fact.
Thus, a person can not get a degree without professional enrollment, which is confirmed by the information in the system of granting student (student) ticket and receive data on her previous educational levels.
The software IPS «OSVITA» enforce validation of educational documents directly on the site, completing pre-registration and noting details of an existing document.
Explanation of ordering and receiving process of documents about higher education
The page on which the education documents are checked
Obtain guides of educational institutions or filling in information about education documents
Program for creating of orders for manufacturing documents about education, applications to diplomas and electronic student / pupillary cards
Modern automated learning management system for higher education institutions of all levels of accreditation
Programming software for efficient management of educational institutions
The system for creating of tests and testing, is used both in the general education (professional and higher education) and in businesses (firms)
Files that are relevant to of several programs, such as drivers for card reader and service for working with card Diploma Supplement client
Page for feedback with our specialist with the possibility of sending errors directly from the site
CHANGES / ADDITIONS TO THE PROGRAM: Changes have been made to the DBMS installation process for software operation. Before installation, the presence of the FireBirde DBMS by another path in the OS and its file structure are checked. Accordingly, if this is the case, the necessary Education dlls are added to the DBMS executable files.
CHANGES / ADDITIONS TO THE PROGRAM: 1. Added the ability to create requests for correction of information that is not reproduced in the document card, namely the data in the “Date” field birth”. Go to the creation of applications via the main menu “Data/Unprinted data”. Print order confirmation via “Data/Packages/Package control”. 2. The ability to create applications for the production of Duplicates for several questionnaires has been added.
Любі громадяни! Зараз необхідні усі зусилля для перемоги над ворогом. Допомагайте, будь-ласка, нашим ЗСУ будь-яким доступних способом: їжею, одягом, обмундируванням, фінансами, фізично, інформаційно тощо. Слідкуйте за офіційною сторінкою ЗСУ, не панікуйте, ми всі разом обов’язково переможемо.
helo . I am a foreigner and got graduated from a Ukrainian university in 2015. i was not provided with diploma supplement as it was the said the process of making still need information from ministry . now i am in abroad and how can i obtain diploma supplement ?
Як встановити нову версію сервісу по роботі з карткою ІВС “Освіта” для авторизації та роботи на сайті?
Доброе утро! У меня возможно к вам беспрецендентный вопрос. Я получил в 2004 году диплом российской федерации об образовании(степень бакалавр), закончив филиал российской академии в Харькове. 24 березня 2022 року Кабінет Міністрів України ухвалив постанову «Про денонсацію Угод в галузі освіти та науки з російською федерацією», тому всі дипломи, видані рф, не визнаються на території України. Теперь сам вопрос.Если в этом году я хочу поступить в украинский институт, в будущем получив тоже степень бакалавра, это будет считаться моим вторым образованием или все же первым(руководствуясь частью второй статьи 10 Закона Украины “Об образовании”. )? Предоставляется ли мне отсрочка по мобилизации (Согласно закону №10449 о праве на отсрочку)? Заранее спасибо.Буду ждать вашего ответа
Допоможіть,будь ласка,як запустити від імені адміністратора setup.exe з архіву? Праву кнопку миші натискаю,а там немає меню ЗАПУСК ВІД ІМЕНІ АДМІНІСТРАТОРА.
заклад загальної середньої освіти змінював назву багато разів, де знайти реєстр зміни назв закладу по роках та назвах
Dear compatriots! Today and always we bow our heads in honor of those who gave their lives defending the independence and freedom of our country. The Day of Remembrance of Defenders of Ukraine is not only an opportunity to remember heroes, but also a reminder that our independence was won at a great price. There are no words that could convey gratitude or express the pricelessness of everyone who gave everything dearest for the sake of Ukraine, protecting the future of the Motherland. We express our deep gratitude to all those who stood and continue to stand in defense of Ukraine. The memory of their feat will live forever in our hearts. Eternal memory…
Dear compatriots! On this momentous day, when Ukraine celebrates its Independence, we express our warmest congratulations to each of you. This day is a symbol of the will, strength and indomitability of the people of Ukraine, which year after year demonstrates its indomitability and desire for freedom. We are grateful to our heroes – the Armed Forces of Ukraine, thanks to whom we all have the opportunity to live in a sovereign and independent state. Their courage, determination and self-sacrifice are an example for each of us and are the foundation of our freedom today. On this day, we also remember the historical path that Ukraine has taken, fighting for the right to be…
Congratulations on the Day of the National Flag of Ukraine! This day symbolizes the unity, strength and indomitability of our nation. The national flag is a reflection of our pride, independence and desire for a bright future. Let the blue-yellow colors always inspire you to new achievements, unite in the desire for the prosperity of our country and each of its citizens. We wish you good health, well-being and success in all your endeavors!
Dear customers.
In the period from 01.02.2023 to 6.01.2023 the production department will not work.
We apologize for the temporary inconvenience and thank you for your understanding.
29 Aug 2024
Memorial Day of the Defenders of Ukraine(No Comments)
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