Register.bat (18 bytes, 1,502 hits)

The files that apply curtailed programs of AS “School”, which contains only the statistical report (modules “Students”, “Teacher”, etc. are not available).

  setup.exe (2.4 MiB, 1,788 hits)

File is intended for AS “School – statistical reports.” Solves the problem of freezes installer.
1. Download the file.
2. Replace this file in the collection of the installer (delete the old file, the new put in his place).
3. Run the installation.
When installing the AS “School – statistical reports” choose:
– Database server
– Database schema
– ARM AS “School – statistical reports” (2.3 MiB, 1,418 hits)

Patch for “AS School – statistical reports” version Actions to implement the patch. (2.7 MiB, 1,316 hits)

Patch for “AS School – statistical reports” version, only for “Liko-school”. Actions to implement the patch.
