To register the node, you need to fill:

1. The application form for the registration of node.

2. The application (s) for registration of the administrator/operator node, which will form the application in program Education. If the program is run, one person, the statement must indicate that the operator has administrative rights.

3. To speed up the registration scanned versions of documents completed and sent to reestr@osvita.net «Registry Department of educational institutions».

4. To complete the registration, reception the card of operator node and card readers is necessary come to the «Registry Department of educational institutions» and bring:
– The original application for registration of node;
– The original application for registration of the administrator / operator of node;
– Tax registration certificate;
– Accounting power of attorney to obtain wealth.

After registering you will receive Certificate of Registration of node. Basic information on the certificate is the code node that is later used when registering administrators and operators of node.

Formation of orders for the European sample application occurs on the same principles as in the production of diplomas. For providing of electronic orders must prepare guides educational institutions to be included in the program of data collection.

Taking into account that guides educational institutions exist only in Ukrainian, it is necessary to carry out a number of measures to supplement their English-speaking counterparts.

Data from the evidence, together with information about the institution of higher education in the English language must be brought to Registration form of educational institution for How to fill in registration form.

Completed the «Registration form of  educational institution» in paper form please send it to the address:
03151 Kyiv, str. Smelyanskaya 4 «Department of registry of educational institutions».

To speed up registration, fill out the electronic version to the address reestr@osvita.net.

Registry phone number: +38 044 249-93-29

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